
My Experience

The Swedish Exchange Program was one of the best things that I’ve ever done in my life. I was expecting to have a good time, but it turned out to be better than I expected. Everyone is so welcoming and it feels like you’re right at home. The food was one of the best parts of the trip, especially at the Kall Auto Hotel. The shop experience at the school is awesome, I wish that I could have a similar schedule at my school back home.  I feel that, in the three weeks that we were there, I filled the schedule to the maximum and still had time to un-wind.  I was able to have dinner with my family almost every evening, and still had time to watch movies and stuff afterward.  Snowmobiling  was awesome, I had the time of my life when we had the chance to do it.  Fika was my favorite part of the day because it was a good chance to meet people and have good food.  The weather was great for our trip, since I saw it snow and had spring weather as well. I hope that I will get a chance to return and experience this trip again, because I had the time of my life.

Thanks for everything,

Russell Winchell

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